Dr. Sumanta Dey and his expert team provide comprehensive treatments and care plans for diseases related to pancreas, liver and billiary system. This department provides both laparoscopic and robotic surgeries


  • Alcoholic liver diseases
  • Hydatid Cyst Liver
  • Liver cancer
  • Simple liver cyst
  • Portal hypertension
  • Cirrhosis of liver
  • Hepatitis C and  B
  • Liver abscess
  • Liver trauma
  • Fatty liver

Bile Duct And Gall Bladder (Billiary System)

  • Cancer of Gall Bladder and bile duct
  • Bile duct Stone
  • Gall bladder Stones
  • Cancer of Gall Bladder and bile duct
  • Cholecystitis (Infection of Gall bladder)
  • Cholangitis
  • Choledochal cyst


  • Chronic and acute pancreatitis
  •  Pseudocyst Pancreas
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Pancreatic divisum
  • Necrosectomy
  • Pancreatic trauma
  • Annular pancreas
  • Autoimmune Pancreatitis
  • Laparoscopic approach for every type of liver disorders
  • Liver cancer surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, chemo embolization and so on.
  •  Treatment for gall stone disease &  Bile duct stone management

Before undergoing the surgical knife, a patient needs to seat for a pre-operative consultation session with the surgeon-in-charge. Before scheduling the final day of the surgery, a surgeon needs to know about the complete condition of the patients. Hence, one must not hide any over-the-counter medications or prescription during the consultation session. There are times when surgeon-in-charge changes the dose of any medications which could affect the outcome of laparoscopy surgery. If a candidate is pregnant or trying to conceive soon, a surgical plan will be customized for reducing the risk.

Before the surgery, a candidate needs to undergo several medical tests such as a urinalysis, blood tests, ECG or EKG and chest X-ray. Along with that, certain imaging tests such as CT scan, ultrasound or MRI scan are also performed.

With a better understanding of the patient’s condition, a laparoscopic surgeon in Kolkata can perform the surgery to achieve natural and predictable procedural outcomes.

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